32MB Blocks: The Newest (Old) Solution to Bitcoin Scalability

There has been an ongoing Bitcoin block size debate, and most recently a radical, old idea resurfaced: instead of increasing the block size from 1MB to 2,4 or 8MB, the protocol should be changed to accommodate 32MB blocks. This probably pissed off Bram Cohen.
Also read: Bitcoin Miners Have Lost Interest In Block Size Debate
Are 32MB Blocks Too Big?
Here’s why that’s not a radical idea: it’s how Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin, for a time had designed Bitcoin before settling on a 1MB transaction size – a decision which, perhaps, led to Bitcoin being christened ‘digital gold.’
Calls for large block sizes are not so uncommon: Gavin Andresen himself once did exactly this.
Some have even suggested a block size that changes based on transaction demand. So, perhaps, a third way in the not so distant future for the distributed software is a fluctuating block size from 1MB to 32MB, depending on how much demand is ongoing.

This post was published at Bitcoinist on 2016/08/30.

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