Bitcoin 0.13.0 May Change Bitcoin Forever

Remember Windows Vista? The new Coke? An upgrade is not always a good thing until it is a good thing. Yet, without making changes and testing, things will never improve.
Bitcoin Core is also going to be upgraded and hopefully things will be better for the cryptocurrency after it comes out. The new version is 0.13.0, and this release brings several new features, but the chief among them is Segregated Witness (Segwit) which is likely to solve some crucial issues which has plagued Bitcoin such as scalability and malleability.
Doing more with less
Segwit is a proposed solution to the slowness of Bitcoin transactions and has been included in the release 0.13.0. Segwit may be a workaround to allow more transactions through without increasing the blocksize, which has been part of a raging debate for a while.
Although Segwit is not supported on the mainnet, testnet use is supported in this release. This ‘new’ solution has been around since December 2015 and the inclusion in testnet will allow it to be extensively tested before it is fully rolled out.
Charles Hoskinson, CEO of Input Output Hong Kong, tells Cointelegraph:

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-08-30.

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