Apple Approves iOS Game That Tips Players in Bitcoin

Apple has approved a retro-styled iOS game that tips players in real bitcoin, recently releasing it onto the iTunes store.
The game, SaruTobi, lets users swing a monkey from a vine, building up momentum before releasing him to collect power-ups and bitcoin tokens as he frolics though the air.
Speaking to CoinDesk, developer Christian Moss said:
“SaruTobi is literally Japanese for ‘Monkey Fly’, and this is pretty much the premise of the game. The user … flings him across an 8-bit jungle collecting floating bitcoin along the way.”
Introduction to bitcoin
Moss says he was in the process of adding typical Super Mario-style coins into the game when it occurred to him to use bitcoin instead. ‘I thought it would be a nice way to introduce bitcoin to people who are not familiar with it yet,’ he said.

This post was published at Coin Desk on January 8, 2015.

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