Crypto Technology Will Develop New Uses of Potentially Greater Value: Darren Watkins, VIRTUS Data Centres

In August, London-based VIRTUS Data Centres released a case study on the company’s experience working with ASIC Runner, a supplier of cryptocoin mining hardware.
CoinTelegraph reached out to VIRTUS to discuss the company’s role – and the role of data centers in general – in powering cryptocurrencies through mining, and what VIRTUS’s executives thought about the technology in general. We spoke to Darren Watkins, VIRTUS Data Centres Sales Director.
CoinTelegraph: What is your own personal experience with Bitcoin? When did you first learn about the currency?
Darren Watkins: Personally, I’ve been aware of Bitcoin for a few years. Ever since my days as a communications officer in the military, where we used highly secure encryption techniques for passing protected information between locations, I knew there would be broader civilian applications for such transfers and guarantees of secure data.
Through the generation of digital rights management for music sharing, peer-to-peer networks and to today’s cryptocurrencies, the market has continued to innovate. With these newly developed applications, though, guarantees of the ownership of a ‘token’ or ‘coin’ to would ultimately be needed to allow legal interactions to occur.
CT: Are there any other Bitcoin or cryptocurrency companies using the LONDON1 center or scheduled to use the LONDON2 center?

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2014-11-13.

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