This is my official, first-person review of the website, which allows you to buy pizza with Bitcoin from the three largest pizza chains worldwide, instead of using paper currency.
The thoughts and views expressed here are not necessarily shared by and are the opinions of the author, Evander Smart, alone.
Being a old boy from Brooklyn, NY, and therefore having ordered, I don’t know, a couple of thousand pizzas in my day, I think I’m a fair judge of how a pizza order should go down. From start to finish, I’m nothing if not experienced in the art, and now science, of the pizza order! On Sundays, I don’t shave, I watch football, and I eat pizza. Beautiful Sunday! Or was it?
Buy pizza with Bitcoin? What a country!
People all of the time ask me ‘Where can I buy things with Bitcoins?’ or ‘What can I buy with Bitcoins?’. So this review helps answer that burning question. This website services the top three commercial pizza companies in the U. S., and most likely the world, and affords Bitcoin owners the ability to buy from them, indirectly. Pizza Hut (the brand I prefer and used in this example), Domino’s and Papa Johns are available on They list countries available as the U. S., the U. K., and Austalia, but the U. K. option is disabled and has been for months, with some issue ‘on the backend’. Canada is listed as ‘Coming soon’.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on September 29, 2014.

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