Bitcoin Helps Uber Stand Strong in Argentina, Months After Card Ban

Uber is still standing strong in Argentina, despite months of being denied credit and debit card service, in part thanks to Bitcoin.
According to Franco Amati, co-founder of the Latin American Bitcoin Conference, Uber is still holding on despite resistance from government.
Amati says:
‘Uber is fighting the blockade, sometimes Uber changes the place from where it is charging the payment, and local cards work again, but then the government blocks them again.’
To fuel the use of cards that are not so easily shut down, Uber is incentivizing prepaid cards, according to Amati.
He explains to CoinTelegraph:
‘SatoshiTango and Xapo cards still working, and they have a 25% discount for the moment, using them daily. Uber gives a discount in Argentina to everyone using “prepaid” cards. This includes Bitcoin cards like SatoshiTango and Xapo, but also non-Bitcoin cards like Neteller.’

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-08-25.

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