Australian Central Bank – Bitcoin Is Bad But You’d Love A Digital “e-AUD”

Sweden’s Riksbank, the world’s oldest central bank, is exploring the possibility of a digital register-based e-krona; the Reserve Bank of New Zealand is researching whether its physical currency could be replaced by a digital alternative; the Bank of England is trialling blockchain-like systems; the Monetary Authority of Singapore is examining the use of distributed ledger technology for clearing and settlement of payments; and the PBoC said in October that it had completed tests on algorithms for a prototype of its own digital currency.
Now the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has entered the fray with an all too familiar refrain.
We’re paraphrasing… Bitcoin is bad, the realm of criminals and little more than a speculative mania, but the technology underlying Bitcoin has great potential, which we can exploit in time with our own ‘superior’ digital currency.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 14, 2017.

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