Can A 16 Year Old Math Genius And Semi-Naked Women Sell The First Ever ICO Tranche

As a product, we may have just encountered the most brilliant Initial Coin Offering ever.
As a marketing ploy meant to reach the broadest number of financially astute investors who are just dying to see a quadruple-digit IRR on their prudent investment, this is certainly the pinnacle of genius.
We are still in awe of this “press release” which in addition to everything else, and there’s plenty, features two semi-naked women, which hits all the right spots for ICO investors: after all “it’s all a question of how RICH YOU WANT TO BECOME”, and to do that, all you have to do is invest in an ICO tranche.
Wait, don’t ICOs already offer a 110% guarantee that you will become rich beyond your wildest dreams on their own? Why would they need tranching?
Well, as the press release explains, the answer is simple:
In a nutshell: We’re going to take a position in each ICO, then wrap those up into their own ICO and then you can buy tranches of that ICO depending on your ‘risk tolerance’ i.e. how strong a person you are. Basically, it’s all a question of how RICH YOU WANT TO BECOME. The bottom tranche is so safe[1] that you can basically put your entire life savings in and earn a fat return.
That’s truly a relief: just as America, half of which lives paycheck to paycheck, was collectively wondering what to invest its life savings in, along came ICO tranches…

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 4, 2017.

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