“Remember, Our Kids Are Watching” – Biden Bashes Trump Over “The Soul Of The Nation”

After 36 years in the Senate and 8 years as VP, it appears Joe Biden is setting up for one more run at the presidency in 2020 – when he will be 77 years old. In an extraordinarily divisive and personally-scathing op-ed, published in The Atlantic, Biden calls on Americans to do what President Trump has not…
In January of 2009, I stood waiting in Wilmington, Delaware, for a train carrying the first African American elected president of the United States. I was there to join him as vice president on the way to a historic Inauguration. It was a moment of extraordinary hope for our nation – but I couldn’t help thinking about a darker time years before at that very site.
My mind’s eye drifted back to 1968. I could see the flames burning Wilmington, the violence erupting on the news of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, the federal troops taking over my city.
I was living history – and reliving it – at the same time. And the images racing through my mind were a vivid demonstration that when it comes to race in America, hope doesn’t travel alone. It’s shadowed by a long trail of violence and hate.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 27, 2017.

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