Trump Calls Bannon “Alt-Left”, Says He “Isn’t Going Anywhere”

The feud between Trump and Steve Bannon appears to be a thing of the past.
As part of his extended interview with Bloomberg on Monday, Trump dismissed speculation that his administration is split by discord, saying he is sticking by his polarizing chief strategist, Steve Bannon, calling him a ‘very decent guy’ who is getting a ‘bad rap.’ Trump even revealed his own term for Bannon’s ideology, calling it “alt-left,” a pun on Bannon’s ties to the conservative “alt-right” movement.
Why alt-left? Because as Trump explains, ‘Bannon’s more of a libertarian than anything else, if you want to know the truth,’ Trump said during the Oval Office interview.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on May 1, 2017.

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