DNC Asks Entire Staff For Resignation Letters

Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez, who took over as the chair of the Democratic National Committee in late February following Hillary’s stunning November defeat, has asked for his entire staff to submit their resignation letters by no later than April 15th.
Of course, the move comes after a series of scandals plagued the DNC throughout the 2016 election cycle, including rather undeniable evidence that former Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz intentionally undermined the campaign of Bernie Sanders while her replacement, Donna Brazile, seemingly did the same by passing Hillary’s team debate questions in advance of Town Hall discussions with Bernie.
According to NBC, Tom Perez decided to clean house at the DNC shortly after taking over the leadership role from Donna Brazile and will use the mass firing as an opportunity to restructure how the party will be run going forward.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Mar 28, 2017.

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