President Trump’s Address To Congress: Key Highlights And Full Text

While the full Trump speech transcript is below, for those curious only in the key economic/trade excerpt, it is laid out below:
My economic team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. We must create a level playing field for American companies and workers.
Currently, when we ship products out of America, many other countries make us pay very high tariffs and taxes — but when foreign companies ship their products into America, we charge them almost nothing. I just met with officials and workers from a great American company, Harley-Davidson. In fact, they proudly displayed five of their magnificent motorcycles, made in the USA, on the front lawn of the White House.
At our meeting, I asked them, how are you doing, how is business? They said that it’s good. I asked them further how they are doing with other countries, mainly international sales. They told me — without even complaining because they have been mistreated for so long that they have become used to it — that it is very hard to do business with other countries because they tax our goods at such a high rate. They said that in one case another country taxed their motorcycles at 100 percent.
They weren’t even asking for change. But I am. I believe strongly in free trade but it also has to be FAIR TRADE.
While this is not an explicit mention of BAT, some read into the excerpt above as validation of border adjustability.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Feb 28, 2017.

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