Leaked Memo Reveals List Of Trump’s Top Defense Priorities

Trump and Obama are, ironically, united in downplaying the threat Russia poses to America and its allies. Some Pentagon brass beg to differ: pic.twitter.com/RruJSohyS9
— Oren Kessler (@OrenKessler) December 20, 2016

A leaked communication between the Trump transition team’s Undersecretary of Defense for policy Brian McKeon, and the Pentagon, has revealed the four biggest defense priorities for the president-elect. Among the top four items listed in the memo from are: 1) developing a strategy to defeat/destroy ISIS; 2) build a strong defense by eliminating budget caps/the sequester, 3) develop a comprehensive cyber strategy, and 4) eliminate wasteful spending by finding greater efficiencies.
The list was communicated to McKeon by Mira Ricardel, one of the leaders of Trump’s Pentagon transition team, according to the memo obtained by Foreign Policy magazine and published Tuesday.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 21, 2016.

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