“This Is Stupid” – Pennsylvania Electors To Get Police Protection

While today’s Electoral College vote is not expected, by most, to lead to any surprises, and Donald Trump will almost certainly be selected as the next president in a vote that is usually routine but takes place this year amid allegations of Russian hacking to try to influence the election, some states are not taking any chances and following last week’s report that Trump electors have seen a flurry of death threats, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that electors in Pennsylvania will have police protection as they cast their ballots on Monday.
One Pennsylvania elector, Ash Khare, told the Gazette that he receives thousands of emails a day trying to sway his vote.
“I’m a big boy,” said Khare, an India-born engineer and a longtime Republican from Warren County, who estimates he receives 3,000 to 5,000 emails, letters, and phone calls a day from as far away as France, Germany, and Australia. “But this is stupid. Nobody is standing up and telling these people, ‘Enough, knock it off.’ ”
As a reminder, Pennsylvania allows its electors to vote for someone other than the candidate who won the state.
The messages have escalated to death threats, and so the 20 electors will have state troopers escorting them to cast their votes Monday.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 19, 2016.

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