Fake News And War Party Lies

‘I have in my possession a secret map, made in Germany by Hitler’s government – by the planners of the New World Order,’ FDR told the nation in his Navy Day radio address of Oct. 27, 1941.
‘It is a map of South America as Hitler proposes to reorganize it. The geographical experts of Berlin, however, have ruthlessly obliterated all the existing boundary lines … bringing the whole continent under their domination,’ said Roosevelt. ‘This map makes clear the Nazi design not only against South America but against the United States as well.’
Our leader had another terrifying secret document, ‘made in Germany by Hitler’s government. …
‘It is a plan to abolish all existing religions – Protestant, Catholic, Mohammedan, Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish alike. … In the place of the churches of our civilization, there is to be set up an international Nazi Church…
‘In the place of the Bible, the words of ‘Mein Kampf’ will be imposed and enforced as Holy Writ. And in place of the cross of Christ will be put two symbols – the swastika and the naked sword. … A god of blood and iron will take the place of the God of love and mercy.’
The source of these astounding secret Nazi plans?
They were forgeries by British agents in New York operating under William Stephenson, Churchill’s ‘Man Called Intrepid,’ whose assignment was to do whatever necessary to bring the U. S. into Britain’s war. FDR began his address by describing two German submarine attacks on U. S. destroyers Greer and Kearny, the later of which had been torpedoed with a loss of 11 American lives.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Dec 5, 2016.

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