Fannie, Freddie Soar After Mnuchin Comments (Duke Nuchin?)

Trump’s choice for Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs partner and film producer (American Sniper and Mad Max: Fury Road), said that mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be released from the grip of the Federal government.
If Mnuchin does make inroads into releasing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into the wild (or shut down), he will probably be nick-named ‘Duke Nuchin.’ Or ‘The Munchkin,’ I haven’t decided which, depending on what he is intending.
(Bloomberg) -By Kasia Klimasinska and Felice Maranz- Fannie up as much as 33% to highest intraday since Aug. 2014; Freddie up as much as 32%, also highest since Aug. 2014, after Steven Mnuchin, Donald Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary, says FNMA, FMCC should exit government’s grip, didn’t appear to mimic Republicans who’ve said they should
be wound down or eliminated.

This post was published at Examiner on November 30, 2016.

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