Obama Admits He “Can’t Pardon” Snowden Before A Trial – Sorry, Hillary

After everyone from Jesse Jackson, to the terrified mainstream media to prominent Congressional Democrats have called upon Obama to issue a blanket pardon for Hillary Clinton, he finally admitted that it’s not possible to pardon someone who hasn’t yet stood trial for a crime. And while Obama was referencing a potential pardon of Edward Snowden with his comments, one could assume that the law should be applied the same way for all U. S. citizens.
I can’t pardon somebody who hasn’t gone before a court and presented themselves, so that’s not something that I would comment on at this point. I think that Mr. Snowden raised some legitimate concerns. How he did it was something that did not follow the procedures and practices of our intelligence community. If everybody took the approach that I make my own decisions about these issues, then it would be very hard to have an organized government or any kind of national security system. In his last international interview with ARD and DER SPIEGEL in Germany, Obama went on to highlight the fine line between protecting the privacy of citizens and gathering intelligence needed to protect the American homeland against potential terrorist attacks. Ironically, Obama didn’t mention the potential pitfalls associated with allowing a massive influx of immigrants from nations known to harbor terrorists without the ability to vet those immigrants.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Nov 19, 2016.

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