Andreas Antonopoulos: We Should Be Applauding Bitcoin Mining Centralization in China

The Bitcoin mining community, a very valuable and powerful association, always seems to have this ‘elephant in the room.’ This elephant would happen to be the massive stranglehold that China has over the globe’s total Bitcoin production. Very few have seen this as a positive development within the spectrum of Bitcoin.
This has been a constant source of consternation inside and outside of the Bitcoin mining community since the aforementioned evidence of mining life became apparent in 2014, when China flipped the Bitcoin production script.
Regarding this topic, Bitcoin mentor, and master orator Andreas Antonopoulos has a unique take on how this, in the overall sphere of things, may be considered a positive rather than negative development.
As the featured speaker at the recent Los Angeles Bitcoin Meetup, Andreas was asked directly about Bitcoin centralization in China, where over 70 percent of all Bitcoin mining takes place and about 95 percent of all global Bitcoin trading.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-11-04.

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