Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload 2/BitCache Reaches Funding Target. Now What?

While fighting the U. S. in a New Zealand courtroom, Kim has seen fit to launch a funding campaign for his newest project, MegaUpload 2 (MU2) and BitCache, on BnkToTheFuture.
Over the weekend, Kim’s project was funded successfully. Kim spoke with CoinTelegraph about what comes next.
Beat the clock
Kim Dotcom seems to constantly defy the odds. Whether it is the amount of traffic and hype he can generate or the mountains he climbs in fighting the U. S. Government head-on, Kim Dotcom is a whirlwind of news, big dreams, and publicity.
Given his name recognition, it might have been quite embarrassing to not reach his funding target by the October 24th deadline, but he did reach approximately $1 million USD with a couple of days to spare. The first $500k or so was made exclusively through Bitcoin investment, but Kim added bank transfers thereafter when investors mentioned they either were not familiar with obtaining Bitcoin, or it would take too long to do before the deadline. This surely helped him reach his goal within the given timeframe, as well.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-10-24.

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