What Stands in the Way of Bitcoin Mass Adoption in Africa

Potentially, Africa’s huge unbanked population combined with the burdensome process of opening and operating a bank account should make Bitcoin an instant hit.
However, its adoption has been irritatingly slow even though the basic infrastructure is not missing. It is estimated that by the end of this decade that 80 percent of the continent’s more than 1.2 bln population would be using Smartphones.
Then what hinders Bitcoin penetration in Africa? Cointelegraph spoke about it with experts in the cryptocurrency community on the so-called dark continent.
Fear of change
Scrutinizing the bottlenecks to penetration, Andrew Tudhope, Bitnation Ambassador of South Africa noted that access to, and interest in, complicated technologies, especially software is the bane. ‘Who really cares what form one’s money takes when one has none?’ He asked emphatically.
However, Alakanani ‘Motherpky’ Itireleng who is the Director of the Satoshi Centre in Gaborone, Botswana, thinks it is associated with unconsciousness. She thinks the fear of change and being comfortable with the status coalesce with Africans unwillingness to educate themselves accounts for the current state of the digital currency in Africa.
John Karanga of BitHub. Africa seems to agree with both Andrew and Alakanani on their various Views. The Kenyan Crypto enthusiast noted:

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-10-20.

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