Kim Dotcom: MegaUpload2/BitCache will take Bitcoin Mainstream

Based on the US Presidential race how would you describe the United States on the world stage today?
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) October 12, 2016

As the trial of Kim Dotcom versus extradition by the United States Thought Police continues in New Zealand, Kim is ever-optimistic and is forging ahead with his business plans. He is making significant progress on his MegaUpload2/BitCache program, calling it not just a site or application but a ‘movement.’ Cointelegraph gives you the latest progress report on the future mainstream website application that Kim Dotcom believes will single-handedly change Bitcoin forever.
Is Bitcoin ready for the mainstream?
Many in the Bitcoin community worry about Bitcoin’s ability to crossover into the mainstream, if it will ever happen, and can the protocol handle the transaction flow. Kim Dotcom says his new BitCache is a lock to take Bitcoin to new heights, at least based on his track record, mailing list, which he says numbers 200 mln MegaUpload Version One users, and innovative design.
BitCache is designed to make online file sharing and microtransactions for those files on the next Bitcoin mainstream application for 2017, if not sooner. Since the Bitcoin Blockchain is struggling to handle the transaction volume it presently enjoys, a new system for off-chain Bitcoin transactions need to be constructed, and Kim Dotcom calls it BitCache.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-10-12.

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