Bitcoin-Only Red Bull Vending Machine Goes To Hackers Congress

Red Bull, a multi-billion dollar energy drink company, has announced the deployment of a Bitcoin-only Red Bull machine.
The world’s first Bitcoin-integrated Red Bull signature energy drink vending machine was introduced for the Hackers Congress in Prague, Czech Republic, an event sponsored and attended by the Bitcoin industry’s leading experts and companies such as Andreas Antonopoulos and Trezor.
3rd Hackers Congress Paralelni Poiis also features Bitcoin Coffee, in which event attendees and presenters can purchase pastries, coffee, and drinks using Bitcoins.
Red Bull’s Interest in Bitcoin
Red Bull released an official statement regarding their support for the Institute of Cryptoanarchy and Paralelni Polis’ decentralization and bitcoin-focused event.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-10-04.

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