First Block Mined With Bitcoin Unlimited Gets to China in Milliseconds’s mining pool mined its first block using the Bitcoin Unlimited protocol on block 430757 on Wednesday September 21, 2016. This is a momentous move that will provide miners alternatives.
According to a statement on the website of, the major dichotomy between the Unlimited and the Bitcoin Core protocol is the former’s ability to allow miners and nodes to choose the size they want.
Roger Ver, CEO of reiterated his outfit’s commitment to providing Bitcoin advocacy, information and news. He upheld his position to support Bitcoin to the point of global economic buoyancy remaining on course.
‘ is now the primary hub for Bitcoin advocacy, information and news. We also want to support Bitcoin’s growth into a worldwide economic force – and that’s exactly what we’re doing by starting this pool.’

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-09-23.

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