Niklas Nikolajsen: ‘European Banks Will Soon Offer Bitcoin Accounts’

In his opinion, European banks will start to offer Bitcoin accounts very soon. This would certainly be an exciting change of pace, albeit it sounds rather unrealistic.
It would be kind of interesting when banks around the globe start to offer Bitcoin accounts very soon. That is what Bitcoin Suisse founder Niklas Nikolajsen feels will happen in the coming years. Traditional bank accounts which can also be denominated in cryptocurrency sounds kind of interesting on paper, albeit it is doubtful that idea is even feasible.
It is true Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency is faster and cheaper options compared to traditional finance. This is causing some panic among bankers, as they will need to address this challenge sooner rather than later. Doing so is a lot harder than anticipated, which explains their venture into blockchain technology in recent years.

This post was published at NewsBTC

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