Bitcoin Investors Turn to Physical Bitcoins For Long Term Investment

Physical Bitcoin, or a special type of Bitcoin wallet, which can be used to store Bitcoins more securely offline, is increasingly being used by high-profile investors and entrepreneurs globally, due to its ability to protect Bitcoin from any form of hacking attacks and security breaches.
Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors have lost substantial amounts of their Bitcoin holdings in various security breaches and hacking attacks. That’s why investors have begun to exploit physical Bitcoin as an alternative long-term investment method.
The primary purpose of a physical Bitcoin is to store the digital currency under a tamper-evident seal as a long-term investment for enhanced security. Since the private key of the offline Bitcoin wallet remains hidden under a seal, any of the Bitcoins stored within the offline wallet cannot be activated or hacked before the owner of the wallet activates it online and broadcasts it to the public Blockchain.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-09-06.

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