What is Bitcoin Maximalism?

2016 has perhaps seen a proliferation of new schools of thought under the crypto-currency genre, particularly thanks to the best known of all cryptocoins: Bitcoin. Among the most recent: the notion of Bitcoin maximalism.
In short, Bitcoin maximalists look down upon alternative use cases outside the domain of Bitcoin; i.e. Ethereum, Litecoin, even your beloved Dogecoin.
A common thesis in this school of thoughts foresees a future of Bitcoin features, in which all of the things people want in a crypto-currency – for now, higher capacity and smart contracts – are coded atop the Bitcoin protocol. Soft forks have been executed in the Bitcoin use case before, and the experiment has momentum; that is, miners are interested in carrying on the tradition at high costs and expenses. Ethereum, furthermore, lots legitimacy over recent hacks.
In a video Bitcoin Uncensored Chris DeRose said:
And it’s the only one that matters because block chains work. There’s a saying that we have here in South Florida and in our circle that because block chains work, miners are incentivised to join the longest chain. That’s going to be Bitcoin because of it’s fast mover advantage.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on 22/08/2016.

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