Will Work It For Bitcoin: Modern Escorts Use Cryptocurrency

The modern escort relies on all manner of technological tools to help facilitate the trade, including Bitcoin.
According to an Australian escort based in London known as Oz, technological prowess can factor highly in the modern escort’s game. He maintains a website where he maintains a close eye on SEO and site rankings, and engages in online promotional tools such as hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit. He also accepts Bitcoin for his services.
Oz explains his Bitcoin use, including the challenges presented by engaging with clients who may not be familiar with cryptocurrency.
He says to CoinTelegraph:
‘When I work for overseas clients, I get them to pay me in Bitcoin, if they can figure that out. It’s pretty alien to some of my clients – lots are middle-aged and older, and not all that tech-savvy.’

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2016-07-27.

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