The President of Pro-Bitcoin Liberland Has a First Born

All hail! The president of Liberland, an anarchist country declared between Croatia and Serbia, has had a baby. The country previously declared it would use digital currency, specifically bitcoin, as its national currency.
‘The objective of the founders of the new state is to build a country where honest people can prosper without being oppressed by governments making their lives unpleasant through the burden of unnecessary restrictions and taxes,’ states the announcement of world’s newest country.
The authorities have taken notice.
Liberland, officials called the Free Republic of Liberland, was founded on the western bank of the Danube river, between Croatia and Serbia. The internationally unrecognized country between Croatia and Serbia was proclaimed on April 13, 2015, by Czech libertarian politician and activist Vt Jedlika.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on 18/07/2016.

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