Getting Closer To A Bitcoin ETF? Winklevoss Trust Chooses New Exchange

In their three-year-long quest to offer a Bitcoin ETF, twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss made several amendments to their regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission Wednesday.
After initially deciding to list the proposed Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust (which would go by the ticker symbol COIN) on Nasdaq, they’ve switched to BATS Global Markets, which has become a popular choice for newly launched ETFs and is known for a having technologically advanced exchange.
The amended filing also named the Winklevoss’s Gemini Trust Company as the custodian for the bitcoin held by the Trust, and set the value for the Trust’s bitcoin at the 4pm Eastern Time spot price each day on the Gemini exchange.

This post was published at Forbes on JUN 29, 2016.

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