Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Blockchain Project Announces New Members and Governance Structure

In December Bitcoin Magazine reported that a group of top tech and finance companies are joining forces with the Linux Foundation to develop a new open source blockchain separated from the Bitcoin blockchain. Digital Asset Holdings, the fintech startup headed by the financial superstar Blythe Masters, contributed its Hyperledger mark.
Last week, IBM started to reveal some details of its blockchain projects and strategy. John Wolpert, IBM’s blockchain offering director, said that Hyperledger code will become an open source industry standard, and developers will be able to build applications on top of Hyperledger. At the forthcoming Block Chain Conference on February 10 in San Francisco, Wolpert will give a keynote presentation titled ‘How to Make Block Chain Real for Business.’ The address will focus on IBM’s point of view in this space and its contribution to the open source community led by the Linux Foundation.
Things are moving fast in the Hyperledger space. The Linux Foundation is announcing new members from across the industry, technical updates to the new Hyperledger Project and a formal open governance structure. ‘Think of it as an operating system for interactions,’ says the new Hyperledger Project website. ‘It has the potential to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done.

This post was published at Bitcoin Magazine on February 10th, 2016.

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