BitHope Leverages Bitcoin For Non-Profit Donations

Bitcoin, by its very nature, carries an association with wealth for private gain. Vladislav Dramaliev, founder and director of, wants to remind people that bitcoin has an equally important role raising money for non-profit organizations. And judging from the response to the website in a few months, a lot of people agree with him. The website lists several campaigns for causes such as mental health, children’s character building, diabetes, digital books and more.
The first bitcoin crowdfunding website for non-governmental organizations in Europe, only uses cryptocurrency to generate funds for the campaigns it hosts. accepts every donation, regardless of its size, as an expression of empathy towards a human condition or eagerness to improve the world. Dramaliev also co-founded, the first website for bitcoin exchange in Bulgaria, and is a founding member of the Bulgarian Bitcoin Association.
Why He Did It
Asked why he started, Dramaliev told CCN is an expression of the experience he gained working with bitcoin, understanding it and following the growth of the bitcoin ecosystem.
After a friend introduced him to bitcoin in 2013, they decided to create the first website in Bulgaria that offered bitcoin exchange services,
The BitHope Foundation website went from an idea in a little less than a year. The official launch of the project was on Nov. 22, 2015.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on 09/02/2016.

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