What Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About Bitcoin

Bitcoin effectively created a way for consumers to send money over IP, similar to how tools such as WhatsApp allow for text messaging over IP, and Skype allows for voice over IP.
To many people, the concept of Bitcoin as a whole is incredibly difficult to grasp. It all comes down to how one looks at Bitcoin, as there are various angles to this technological marvel. A lot of people see Bitcoin as just another form of money, which begs the question as to how they can use this innovative payment over IP tool to their benefit. Consumers can benefit from digital currency in multiple ways, and will gladly tell them how to do so.
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Bitcoin is A Protocol Of Value
Unlike what most people tend to believe, Bitcoin is a protocol in its own right. Not only because this system allows for financial transactions around the world without interference from banks or requiring access to financial systems, but also because it lets users send funds using an Internet connection. Online payment methods are nothing new under the sun these days, but Bitcoin is a completely different creature altogether.
Bitcoin effectively created a way for consumers to send money over IP, similar to how tools such asWhatsApp allow for text messaging over IP, and Skype allows for voice over IP. In saying that things are ‘over IP’, it means they can be done completely free of charge as long as there is an internet connection available to the user.

This post was published at NewsBTC on 3:30 pm January 25, 201.

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