FinTech Digest: Bitcoin Transactions In Cuba, The Debut Of Coin 2.0, Coinbase Tests New Service In Europe

The U. S. and Cuba transact in bitcoin, Coin (the all-in-one credit card) has revealed the second iteration of its card, Coinbase allows users to purchase bitcoin with debit and credit cards, and more top stories from this week in FinTech.
Bitcoin Goes Cuban
The first reported bitcoin transaction between the U. S. and Cuba occurred. As relations between the U. S. and Cuba begin to smooth out, transactions are moving ahead between the two nations. And FinTech is poised to lead the way. From PYMNTS:
“By avoiding those capital controls, bitcoin would allow people to move money around without the extra fees, making it a worthwhile option for those who can afford it. That doesn’t mean everyone is rushing to switch their pesos into bitcoin, of course, but it means bitcoin could bridge the gap to help people avoid burdensome capital controls when exchanging cross-border.”
Coin Unveils The Next Generation Of Its All-In-One Credit Card
The company behind Coin, the all-in-one credit card, has debuted Coin 2.0. The second generation model of the card uses NFC and is EMV-compatible so that users can not only tap to pay, but can integrate their chip-and-pin cards to the device. TechCrunch reports:
“With Coin 2.0, anyone with EMV credit cards can use the device through contactless payments, similar to the way Apple Pay works. Plus, the team has made a few other improvements including an improved electronic stripe, a 2x faster display, a thinner card (by 8 percent), and the ability to give cards nicknames within the app.”
Buy Bitcoins With Your Debit/Credit Card Via New Coinbase Service
Coinbase is looking to change how people purchase bitcoin with a new test service that will make buying a bitcoin as easy as buying a latte at your local Starbucks. CT reports:

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2015-08-30.

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