The developers of the altcoin EmerCoin (EMC) recently released the details of a new block chain technology, EMCSSL. The system provides passwordless logins and identity management via its block chain. The technology has been designed to solve many of the login and authentication issues that plague the Internet.
EMCSSL provides a scalable infrastructure for passwordless authorization suitable for an unlimited number of web services.
The infrastructure sits on the EMC cryptocurrency block chain, using the block chain as a decentralized store of hash sums for client Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates. Users can generate certificates without any central authority and quickly replace them as needed. This decentralization makes the system effective both for scheduled replacement and rapid recall of compromised certificates.
Decentralization brings many benefits
The system’s uniqueness is its complete decentralization. There is no group of servers running under a single authorization, as used in the systems of Kerberos, OpenID, TeddyID and others. As a result, it is not possible for EMCSSL to suffer system-wide service disruption due to technical failure or malicious attack upon authorization servers. In addition, it is not possible for a user to have their accounts globally suspended at the whim of a single authority.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on 29/05/2015.

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