Mt. Gox Customers Can Now File Claims For Their Lost Bitcoins

There’s positive news for customers of Mt. Gox, the once industry-leading bitcoin exchange that blew up in spectacular fashion last year, after its creditors began accepting bankruptcy claims.
A notice issued today instructs customers to log-in into their Mt. Gox account at, from where they can make their attempt at reclamation. (There is also an offline option for those who prefer mountains of paperwork.)
Another avenue is to lodge a claim via Kraken, the Korea-based bitcoin exchange that was last year selected by Mt. Gox’s creditors for reimbursements. Kraken is sweetening the deal a little too by offering of up to $1 million of free trades for any Mt. Gox customers who go via its service.

This post was published at Tech Crunch on April 22, 2015.

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