There are many reasons for citizens of the world to be dissatisfied with the current government of their nations. For those with a keen interest or expertise in cryptography, the Decentralized Anonymous State (DAS) has been founded. Yes, you read that right: a decentralized state.
What does that look like in real terms? Well, it’s an online community, essentially. This eliminates the need for borders and banks and such. The DAS, as its citizens call it, functions as a way to incorporate businesses and congregate with other free-minded, like-minded individuals worldwide. So far there has been no discussion of the re-establishment of Esperanto, but this project is very reminiscent of that constructed language’s brief spell as a real thing.
CCN reached out to the founders of DAS to get a few questions answered and concepts clarified.
DAS will function free of taxation and will be established to reduce the types of corruption and coercion normally found in terrestrial states. Should a tax ever be imposed it will be in acceptable crypto currencies not to exceed the equivalent of .0001 Bitcoin per annum for human citizens and .001 Bitcoin for corporate/entity citizens.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on March 13, 2015.

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