Whenever I need a laugh, I read a mainstream publication’s assessment of Bitcoin, from the outside looking in. Many are merely mouthpieces, printed microphones for the current ruling global elite. They tell the masses what to believe, give them ten percent of the story, from the current ruler’s purview, and then call it a day. Television, print media, cable, it’s all the same. And that’s why ad revenue, viewership, and circulations are dropping in mainstream media worldwide. The smart investment for your media time is online, alternative media, like CCN, for example. Things here will definitely be pro-Bitcoin, but at least you get the other side of the story. Which brings me to the UK’s legendary Financial Times.
Financial Times gives an expert opinion on Bitcoin’s financial future
First things first, please, I beg of you, use this link, and go to the article on their website, ‘FT Predictions: the world in 2015′. It’s quite a laugh riot of typical mainstream hypocrisy and misinformation. The format dictates that ‘FT’s experts and commentators’ give a round table type of dissertation on the current state of the financial ecosystem. Undermining the proceeding argument is their inclusion of Bitcoin within their article of 2015 financial topics of import to begin with. Bitcoinis at the bottom of the article (Saved the best for last, huh?), but I’ll pass you the direct quote from some person, a so-called ‘expert’ that they respect enough to print, named Izabella Kaminska.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on March 9, 2015.

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