The idea of creating a new currency outside of national systems is not new or original. There have been electronic cash attempts that have dated back to the 1980′s in the U. S., and PayPal was created to be a new online currency. The timing was perfect, as regulations were light for online businesses back then, as the Internet was only ten years old, and regulators were still several years behind the curve. Now, Bitcoin has succeeded in making a new global online currency anyone can use for free, and Peter Thiel has some commentary on its progress.
PayPal founder talks about Bitcoin
Legendary investor and PayPal creator Peter Thiel tried and failed to make a Bitcoin-like online currency ten years before Satoshi Nakamoto made it a reality. Instead, he made PayPal a leader in global payments systems and was asked about where Bitcoin stands today versus something like PayPal at the ButtonWood Gathering in New York earlier this month.

This post was published at Crypto Coins News on March 2, 2015.

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