The Bitcoin and DOLLAR ATM Network Crowdfunding Campaign Now Live on IndieGogo

Munich-based eDollar International is a very ambitious company, as their business strategy encomapsses multiple projects. The main goal of their IndieGogo crowdfunding campaign is building a network of at least 5,000 ATM machines, which all accept Bitcoin, DOLLAR (altcoin) and local E-currencies, depending on where the machines are installed.
At this point in there, there are about 350 Bitcoin ATM’s located across the entire globe, which pales in comparison to the number of ‘traditional’ ATM’s you can find. The reason for that difference is two-pronged : Bitcoin (or other digital currency) ATM’s are not cheap, and such a device is still a very ‘new and niche’ project for entrepreneurs at this stage.
However, the IndieGogo campaign is not intended to purchase and install all 5,0000 ATM’s at once. In fact, Mr. Havlin is looking to scrape enough funds together in order to purchase and install twenty of these devices, which will cost about US$100,000. The remaining 4,980 ATM’swill be purchased with the pre-mine funds of the DOLLAR altcoin – which we will talk about a bit more down below.

This post was published at Crypto Articles on February 11, 2015.

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