What To Do With Bitcoin : A Few Tips

We have been asked a lot of questions by non crypto users about Bitcoin and what you can do with it. Some people we spoke to referred to it as ‘useless fictitious monopoly money’. When we asked how some of these people came to that conclusion or where they got the evidence to back up their claims they are usually silent.
In the rare occasions where we did get a response it is usually along the lines of citing biased sources, like bank officials ( yes trusting a bank is the really smart) or other self proclaimed ‘experts’ in the financial sector ( who fail to grasp the elementary workings of Bitcoin).
Most of this so-called evidence they put forth is can be boiled down to this: ‘You can’t buy anything with Bitcoin because Bitcoin isn’t a currency…. it is a ponzi’. In a previous article we explained why bitcoin isn’t a ponzi scheme but is in fact real money, just like dollars, euros or pounds. So blowing out one of these general misconceptions quite easily, let us look at the rest of their flawed conclusions; ‘you can’t buy anything with Bitcoin because its not real money/currency’.

This post was published at Crypto Articles on February 4, 2015.

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