During our stay at the Bitcoin Expo 2015 over the past weekend, we met up with a lot of interesting people. Alejandro De La Torre is one of those fine people who you can instantly strike up a conversation with, as he is one of the most down-to-earth guys you will ever meet. But did you know he is the CEO and co-founder of SendChat, a very popular messaging application that also lets users send cryptocurrency around the world?
Even though the conversation we had with Mr. De La Torre was not an actual interview, we have written down the information he gave us in the interview format, making it a bit easier for our readers to find out what we talked about exactly.
JP : It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Alejandro. Could you tell us a bit more about how SendChat stores users’ cryptocurrency, and what type of wallets are being used?
Alejandro : It is a pleasure to meet you as well! As you know, SendChat users have their wallet addresses connected to their usernames, making it far easier for people to send money to each other. No longer will you need to remember these awkward combinations of numbers and digits, just enter a username, send the money, and you are done.
All of our users’ funds is being kept in cold storage, and as far as wallets go, we use Electrum wallets for all supported currencies (Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Darkcoin). It only takes us 10 seconds to move funds out of cold storage, so our users won’t even notice a delay in sending a transaction. We take security really serious, and this is just the first step of many to make SendChat the most secure social messaging app which handles cryptocurrency transfers.

This post was published at Crypto Articles on January 27, 2015.

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