Top 5 Reasons Outlawry is For YOU! (Op-Ed)

Ever slowly driven through – but not completely stopped at – an empty intersection?
How about walked across the street outside the lines of a cross walk?
Or did you ever pay a babysitter, yard raker, or house cleaner without handing them tax paperwork along with the cash?
If so, then you already know just some of the benefits of outlawry!
If Encryption Is Outlawed . . . . . . Then only outlaws will use encryption. Could this be your chance to further your already existing status as an outlaw? (Nearly everyone is one to some extent, as violating legislation is practically unavoidable.)
If encryption is outlawed, and you choose to enhance your outlawry status by continuing to use it, here are the top five perks that await you:

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2015-01-20.

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