If you Support Free Speech, You Support Bitcoin (Op-Ed)

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in France, the leaders of the United States and Britain, President Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron, were quick to respond.
In a joint op-ed originally published in the London Times, both leaders clarified their commitment to not letting the fear of terrorism influence policy. Calling the world’s response to the Paris attacks one of singular voice, they wrote that ‘Along with our French allies, we have made clear to those who think they can muzzle freedom of speech and expression with violence that our voices will only grow louder.’
The editorial seemed to be a clear-cut indication that the leaders of the free world’s two most influential countries would respond to terrorist threats by keeping true to their beliefs in the importance of personal freedoms.
Their actions soon after suggested otherwise.
Following statements from Cameron implying that the government should be able to monitor all online messaging, President Obama added his support saying that police and spies should not be locked out of encrypted smartphones and messaging apps. Their justification for this policy follows the logic that, for free societies to be safe, the government must prevent the wide use of technologies that make secret messages possible. The risk of misuse by terrorists is too high.
This stance on encryption sets up a blatant contradiction with the leaders’ earlier statements regarding how the world will respond to the threat of terrorism. While their earlier publication said defending our ‘freedom of expression’ was an integral part of promoting society’s security and prosperity, these new policy recommendations will instead suppress communication between ordinary citizens.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2015-01-21.

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