Bitcoin and crowdfunding seems like a great match, yet it is harder than you think to find the right platform for your campaign. Most services charge rather high fees, a s you can read more about in an article that will appear this Saturday. However, a new desktop application called Lighthouse might change the Bitcoin crowdfunding scene for good.
LIGHTHOUSE – DECENTRALIZED BITCOIN CROWDFUNDING When I first heard about Lighthouse being an application, I automatically assumed this to be a new app for mobile devices. After an unsuccessful search through the Google Play Store, and a friend not having any luck finding it in the Apple App Store, I decided to check out their website. To my surprise, Lighthouse is a desktop application available to Windows, Macintosh and Linux users.
It is important to note that Lighthouse is currently still in beta, and users might experience errors or glitches which need to be reported to the development team as soon as possible. After downloading, installing and running the software myself, I did not come across any issues just yet, but we will see how that goes once we create our very own crowdfunding campaign. (See below)
Some of you might be wondering why they should use Lighthouse over other Bitcoin crowdfunding platforms. As a person who wants to create their own crowdfunding campaign, you will be interested to find out that Lighthouse charges no fees. In saying that, I mean there are no fees to create your campaign, no fees when the campaign is successfully funded, or anything else like that. Normal transaction fees still apply though.
By using the Lighthouse desktop application, users are able to create a crowdfunding campaign similar to what Kickstarter would give you, but without the middlemen and without fees. Furthermore, as Lighthouse is not a company, service or website, but rather an open source desktop application, you are always in control of your money and crowdfunding campaigns.

This post was published at Crypto Articles on January 21, 2015.

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