Blockchain Factory’s Mining Slicer Lets You Customize How Your Mining Power is Distributed

Mining is going through some changes, that much is clear. The increasing difficulty, along with the low price of Bitcoin, is causing all sorts of interesting news events. The next step might not simply be more hashing power, but using that power more effectively. Tools, rather than brute strength, may be where we see the next big growth.
Of course, the difficulty will continue to increase and so will the hashing power of new machines. Massive mining centers will continue to grow more massive, and the never-ending arms race will continue to be never ending.
The Blockchain Factory was started by Nathan Wosnack and David Mondrus, two former members of a popular ICO, who left because they were concerned about, among other things, over promising. Blockchain Factory has taken the opposite, methodical approach.
They aren’t promising anything until it is ready, and they have three useful tools ready to go right now. Two of them, BTC2MySQL, a tool designed to help track and explore the blockchain, and Bitzme, one link for all donation methods (including altcoins, Paypal and bank accounts). We will talk about in a later article.
This article is about their miner slicer, which is the kind of tool that doesn’t increase your mining capabilities, but instead gives users more control over how they use their hashing power.
Currently, if you have a powerful miner, you can either put it on the bitcoin network and hope for a reward in (by far) the most competitive crypto mining space on the internet. Or, you can move it to a less competitive SHA-256 coin and greatly increase your chances at a reward, but risk taking over the entire network by taking over 51% of the coin’s total network.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2015-01-15.

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