10 Bitcoin Resolutions for 2015

A lot can happen in 365 days.
A year ago, 1 BTC was worth $770, governments around the world were either terrified of bitcoin or laughed it off as a passing fad and it was a lot harder to find a place to spend your bitcoins.
Today, you can buy a bitcoin for $316, governments and financial institutions are starting to understand the disruptive potential of the bitcoin protocol and digital currencies, and bitcoin shopping options are no longer limited to alpaca socks.
In the spirit of making resolutions for the new year, members of the bitcoin community should look at 2015 with a fresh perspective. Surely we’ve all gone through the phases of first learning about bitcoin, becoming enamored with the idea of digital currencies and then perhaps even a bit jaded at times.
With that in mind, here are 10 bitcoin resolutions for the new year:

This post was published at Coin Desk on January 1, 2015.

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