Hello from Anarchapulco,
As you’ve noticed I haven’t been writing regularly on the weekends for the last few months. I alluded to my intention to do this a few months ago when I said that I wanted to spend more time with my family and find a more balanced and connected/deep/spiritual lifestyle.
As with almost everything I write about I don’t just talk about it but I do it and I have been exploring this lifestyle for the last few months and have discovered many insights that you might find interesting.
We often write about our Five Killer B’s to survive and prosper during and after The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI). They are bullion, bitcoin, bullets, bud and “being”. The “being” part is a fairly loose term but, in general, what it means is being physically, mentally and spiritually prepared for what will be a tumultous time.
After years of living on airplanes and in hotels as I travelled to countless conferences to speak and numerous business meetings as I set-up ventures to survive TEOTMSAWKI worldwide I found I had burned out somewhat. This all led to a massive amount of stress that led me to drink quite a bit to deal with the stress… which, of course, didn’t really help out much and actually further increased my stress and exhaustion.
By the summer it began to come down to a choice. Do I keep up my 7 days per week, 18 hours per day of work including many evenings drinking with business associates and clients until I eventually collapsed? Or take a step back, rebalance and discover new ways to live and work that are even more enjoyable and productive?
I chose #2 and so far I couldn’t be happier with my choice.
Less Booze
I stopped drinking for a number of months just to get started and that was very enjoyable forcing myself to find new ways to get over my discomfort of large social gatherings (such as the many conferences I was attending) and to find ways to be creative with my writing without the help of a few glasses of wine. I have since been on and off on drinking but am currently in a stage where, at maximum once per week, and only when out with friends or clients, do I have a few drinks.
But, as I’ll explain to you, it is the other things I have been doing that have made me barely want to rarely have a drink at all and still feel like I can be outgoing and creative. I’ve discovered some amazing things in the last few months.

This post was published at Dollar Vigilante on NOVEMBER 15, 2014.

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