Circle Launches Bitcoin Mobile App For Android And IOS

In the next step in its bid to become the bitcoin service provider for everyday users, Circle has launched mobile apps for Android and iOS.
The app, which is available today, allows users to make payments, send and request money, and deposit and convert money between bitcoin and dollars.
For company chief executive Jeremy Allaire, the serial entrepreneur who led Macromedia and oversaw the development of Adobe Flash in the 2000s and then changed online video again by taking Brightcove public, the move to mobile and the concentration on person-to-person payments is the next step on the long road to bitcoin adoption. ‘Focusing on person-to-person payments is a straightforward thing to do right now,’ Allaire wrote in an email. ‘Payment products have been limited to domestic use and tied to one banking system out of thousands around the world.’
Initially the applications are only available to download in the U. S., but like much of Circle’s services, Allaire sees an international release on the horizon. Already the company’s web service is available in seven languages, despite the fact that its ability to link a bank account only exists in the U. S.

This post was published at Tech Crunch on Novemebr 3, 2014.

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