Market Weekly: Bitcoin Price Serene Amid Market Turmoil

Markets were on a rollercoaster last week, with wild swings of hundreds of points on major indices. The Wall Street Journal even fired up a liveblog to provide minute-by-minute commentary on the unfolding turmoil.
Amazingly, I’m not talking about the bitcoin markets. Instead, US equity markets ended their most volatiletrading week in years, with the benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average down as much as 207 points on Friday and Brent crude oil falling below the $80 a barrel mark.
Bitcoin trading was languid by comparison. The price according to the CoinDesk BPI began the week at $375.80 and closed at $388.75.
The week’s trading hit a high of $407.12 on Tuesday and a low of $370.27 on Thursday. That’s just $36.85 from peak to trough, or a swing of 9 percentage points.

This post was published at Coin Desk on October 20, 2014.

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