Bitcoin: US’ Next Unwinnable War? (Op-Ed)

Will Hammer is the Libertarian Party candidate for the 6th Congressional district inVirginia. He is currently running against an 11 term incumbent Republican with no Democrat in the race. Will hopes to bring another voice to the discussions in Washingtonand represent the ever growing group of Americans identifying as independents as well as the views of the growing Bitcoin community. ‘The only special interest Will will serve is you, the individual,’ reads Will’s official website.
Ever since I first heard about cryptocurrencies, I have been an enthusiast. I loved the possibilities that this digital non-fiat currency had and wanted to be a part of what I viewed, and still view, as the future of currency. I got a desktop wallet, then a mobile wallet; started to buy cryptocurrencies; read r/bitcoin and other Bitcoin media; and finally even bought two block erupter cubes to mine my own Bitcoin.
Even though I had hesitated in getting Bitcoin when it was at US$15-20, I was still happy with buying it at the current levels of US$4-700 as theoretically it can go to the moon. I didn’t make a profit with my own mining rigs, as the difficulty increased drastically essentially right after I bought them, but I still had a lot of fun with it and felt I had helped the blockchain and gotten more involved in something in which I truly believed.
Of course, the more I got involved with Bitcoin, the more I realized there were many untapped possibilities. Not only is it the future of currency, but also the future of payment systems and even contracts. And over the last year or two, we have seen more advancement in Bitcoin implementation and technology. It has been a beautiful experience being a part of and watching this organic technology blossom and become viable.

This post was published at Coin Telegraph on 2014-10-21.

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